Saturday, 20 April 2013


To measure the value  of IV characteristic using labVIEW.


  • Continue to construct the labView block diagram.
  • Continue solve the problem with the circuit and labVIEW and DAQcar
  •  To measure and determine the value of voltage and current. 
  • To measure the power output produce.
  •  To generate IV graph using labVIEW

Figure above are shown how the constructions of the block diagram. From the figure show that there is a loop to place DAQ assist, multiplier, numeric and meter to measure voltage and current. At voltage part, the value must multiply by 2 because the voltage at the hardware has been dividing into two because of voltage divider.  It compulsory to multiply the voltage value. The result will be show at the graph and numeric indicator.
            At the current part, the value must multiply by 6 because of using 6 resistor in this project. The value of the resistor is 82Ω. . Connect all the output from solar panel and thermoelectric module to the circuit and connect the voltage and current wire to DAQ card. Run the labView software in order to get IV graft. Increase the value of variable resistor from 0Ω to 1kΩ.

The power produced by the cell in Watts can be easily calculated along the I-V sweep by the equation P=IV.   the value of power is 4.6W

The value  power of the type 2   is 4.37W

The value  power of the type 3   is 5.6W

From this project, the best max power generate is type 3 compare with other type due to the higher difference temperature between cold and hot side. All information and the result have been representing in the graph

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