Monday, 10 September 2012


Photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid energy harvester on building wall is a combination of solar cell and thermoelectric cell into single electric generator. This project show that the hybrid system can be used to supply the output power more efficient. So that, hybrid system can be used to backup the supply when one of the source is not function well. Most of  problem in this project occur when the weather is bad. Such as, the sunlight to produce thermo source are not satisfactory and no wind blowing. Because of this problem, the project are fail to generate electricity. Other than that, the reason why the project is not functioning well is because of failure of components or module , lack of maintenance, environment factors and system overload.

This is flexible system that can adapt to most building types , orientations and climate. It has the ability to provide varying degrees of opacity to modulate heat gain, light transmission and view. Because of modular design, it will be able to include more efficient and less expensive photovoltaic modules once those products are available and cost effective Other than that, efficiencies of the solar thermal power system having been develop in which solar energy is used as main heat source are not satisfactory. In addition, solar energy utilization is subject to the change of season and weather.

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